Monthly Archives: March 2013

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How To Setup Your Own Autoblog For Your Twitter Followers

Now that you know how to promote autoblogs to the ones you did buy Twitter followers, but do you know how to set it up by yourself? Without further ado, for today’s sharing, I would simply like you to know how to setup your own autoblog for the Twitter followers that you already have right now. But how come that we may be able to setup the autoblogs by ourselves? Do you really think we can do this for our own Twitter and internet marketing campaigns? If you are just going to be a positive thinker, we might really say that you can actually do it for yourself.

In order for you to setup your very own autoblog, I want you to take a look at Carson Rathi’s Autoblogging tool. He should have suppose to sell this for more than $60 I think on the Warrior Forum. But did you know that in the War Room, he is giving it away for free? All you have to do is pay one time to the Warrior Forum, and be a War Room member for life. In this way, you can get access to the War Room section and find his software. Afterwards, install it on your own computer.

You can simply select which blogging platform are you going to use for your autoblog. It can be either Blogger or your self-hosted WordPress blog. Just try to insert some feeds from relevant blogs that will help getting you some relevant content after all.


Promoting Niche Autoblogs To Twitter Followers

Welcome to my wonderful blog of mine! Have you recently buy Twitter followers as of this moment? Well for me, I think this is going to be the right time that we are able to learn something that may work in your Twitter and internet marketing career once and for all. Oh well, I think it is about time for me to reveal what is going to be the ultimate topic that I am about to share right here in this blog of mine. Are you now God damn ready to know what is this all about to Twitter and internet marketers around the corner?

Without further ado, to all of the sweet and sound Twitter marketers out there, I will now be teaching you how to promote niche autoblogs to various Twitter followers around the corner. First and foremost, what are autoblogs anyway? Do you think this is something relevant compare to all the topics that I have shared right here in this blog of mine? Or you may simply call this as a complete waste of time for all of us as Twitter marketers? To tell you the whole truth about niche autoblogs, this is something that we should be looking forward to explore things out as Twitter marketers.

To promote niche autoblogs, all you have to do was simply copy the URL of your blog posts and share it to your Twitter followers. But if you really want to make it short, I would suggest that you should try out TinyURL, or